

Family business run by my highscool friend needed a "bang" and a modern touch. Enjoyed every bit of it


branding, print materials


My highschool friend contacted me in regards to his new emarging electric services company. I had full freedom of creation. We needed to pick from two company names: "ElPado" and "MagEl". Happy to see that results bring him a lot of clients and as a final result the company recognision developed quickly


Create brand which attract customers

The challange seemed quite typical: create a professional branding which will help business to grow. To stand out from the croud we decided to pick the ElPado company name, modern typography and symbols. The other challange was to make a branding recognizable as an electric services.


Stylescapes as a design direction

I started brand design process from sketches. From these I created three brand options. Each of them represented different energy and style. I presented all of them using stylescapes. These can roughly tell you what iconography might be used, how images might acompany the colours and typography. I created as well a home-page like mockups to give an idea how eventual future website might look in particular style


Business cards, banners, social media graphics.

All of these been quickly developed after final direction have been decided. The result was exactly like my friend expected, which been followed by future leads from the customers.

see also

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