

Fresh and dynamic event company needed a modern, energetic branding. On the top of that we built together an unusual website reflecting brand strengths.


website development, branding redesign


The brand Internett is a broadband provider mostly providing services around Warsaw. They needed fast and modern website, SEO friendly easy to scale. They needed to implement over 50 pages of locations where their services are available with the ability to expand in the future.


Modern website generating leads

Internett is a local and reliable brand using modern tech and workflow to deliver services at highest standard within affordable price range. The company was growing organically but lacked proper online presence and branding to generate leads online. Their website was based on bootstrap theme. Outdated, without precise direction and branding which affected their online lead generation. My challenge was to code and design new website to fix all of the issues.


Mockups and Development

I created two initial mockups and designed a new logo based on given brand color and brief. The website has been written in Gatsby/React. I received all the copy written for the website and started the initial pages. After couple revisions most static pages has been generated. When I received all of the content for towns/villages I written the nodejs script to programmatically generate the pages with all of the content and SEO.


Web design solution

The website was targeted mostly to energetic, modern families looking for peaceful life in the Warsaw suburbs, willing not compromise on the broadband connection and to housing development companies operating in the region. Website reflected all of the target groups and highlighted all of the available plans and services. The modern feel was accompanied with SEO friendly content. The new website advanced in the search result ranks thanks to changes and the cooperation with the SEO team.

see also

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