
Some extra information

I really appriciate the time you spend hanging out on my website. My bet is that you are familiar already with my skills. Here you will find some additional informations.

work culture

I value exchange of knowldge

I have been working with many different people. I try to learn all the good stuff from anybody and filter out the bad ones. I can work on my own as I have been working like that in the past freelancing. Although I rather prefer to work as a part of the team. From my experience the exchange of the information and knowledge is priceless. If you ask me My perfect week of work would be 4 days in the office, 1 day working remote.

my time off

Reading books, excercising and watching football

If I would choose to spend my time outside of work on something not relited to programming that would be reading for sure. I am a huge fan of a comic books and fantasy. I consider myself active - I try to stay fit and excercise. I enjoy watching football, especially Polish national team. My music taste is rather unusual - good hardcore or punk rock music keeps me positive.


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