Przemyslaw Mejna

Software Developer with UI and Design Background

I believe in clean, effective code, best UI/UX practices, and modern design. They are the key to successful modern applications and happy users.

Latest projects

my workflow

I am a big fan of simple and effective solutions

In my opinion project starting with clear vision and well specified goals will provide the simple and great solution for all the challanges. From there you can deep dive into more specific problems and based on defined direction you can branch out the problems into smaller pieces to provide better solution with the main project goals and direction in mind.

my values

Hard work, passion and open mind

I don't think that there is a passion without hard work, or neither the hard work without a passion. In the end life is about hapiness and one of the core ingredients of hapiness is mentioned "passion". For me programming and developing software, making a new website, learning a new skills is a pure Joy. I am really addicted to the technology and constant growth which is reflected in my work. My design experience helped me to keep an open mind and be prepared for constructive criticism. I like to experiment with new tech stack and design solutions.

about me

Who am I?

In short: I am self-taught software developer with over one year of freelance experience and one year of full-time developer job experience as a junior full-stack dev/UI designer. I have as well background in design, illustration and animation working over 4 years as a freelancer in this field.


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